We already have light sabers, but for a very cheap cost and for the sake of having something "new" (oh and the fact that they are less likely to hurt one another helps!) we took on this challenge!!!!! :)
Found them all at the Dollar Tree, except for the little silver Duck tape that was less than $2.00 at Walmart and of course the cutting supplies I already had at home.
Step #1
Cut the pool noodle in half. Use bread knife that has a serrated edge for easy cutting.
Step #2
Cut two pieces of duck tape and position over the end to look like this
Step #3
Take the black electric tape and just start wrapping up to wherever you want.
Time to let your imagination go wild!
Just cut and make whatever design you want!!
And Vola! YOUR DONE!
*Disclaimer: If you have Star War fans in your household be prepared to google the different light sabers from the movies to make them "accurate".
I had to remind my 2 boys twice that these are just something simple to play with and for fun, because I was getting requests for buttons, switches, and places to put crystals, lol.
All in All this is a GREAT project and SUPER easy to make!!
Rain or Shine I recommend this for some simple fun!
Oh and Trenton came up with the idea if using them in a Pool as well because, "Well they are after all pool noodles and will float"
**Made By Sumer**